Fertility Awareness is a method of tracking the fertility signals our bodies give us, telling us where we are in our menstrual cycle at any given time.

By paying attention to, and recording, our waking temperature, cervical fluid consistency, and cervical changes we can tell whether our bodies are in a fertile phase or infertile phase.

The information can also tell us if we are having problems or illness in our reproductive systems and can help us diagnose issues like improper thyroid function (hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism) , endometriosis, PCOS, and hormone imbalance.

Whether you are trying to conceive a baby, looking for a natural form of birth control, or just wanting to learn more about your overall health, FAM is an excellent and helpful tool, and one that all women should be familiar with.

Classes, private lessons, and counseling sessions are available for women and couples wishing to learn The Fertility Awareness Method. Check out the  classes and events page to find the upcoming schedule, or call to schedule a private appointment today!



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