Sacred Childbirth with Reiki™

Sacred childbirth with Reiki is a safe, gentle, and natural pain and fear management technique developed by Cori Neilson, Reiki Master and mother herself.

I am one of the very few practitioners certified in SCWR in North America, and used it with wonderful results in the delivery of my own son- a mere 3 hour labor and successful home birth!

I am available for sessions pre-pregnancy, and throughout pregnancy, as well as during labor as a Reiki birth attendant. Here is what Cori has to say about the method, and please  check out the link below to learn more.


“Are you dreaming of an easy,
drug-free, natural childbirth?

Do you long to feel empowered
and joyous about your birth?

Do you desire to flow with the rhythms of your body and your baby during birth?

Sacred Childbirth with Reiki™ gives you the tools to create your dream birth:

relaxation into the core of your being

clearing of fear, trauma, and negativity about birth

practice accessing your body’s knowledge on how to birth in ease

visualization of your dream birth

specific tools for birthing partner involvement

The Sacred Childbirth with Reiki™ PROGRAM is a complement to your prenatal care.

What is Sacred Childbirth with Reiki?

Learn how to create an effortless, serene, drug-free birth

We manifest our reality by what we think and feel about a situation. Often those feelings are long forgotten, and yet they heavily influence our experience. This is true about birth. Recorded in the cells of our bodies are the feelings of our own birth: anger, fear, anxiety, frustration, loneliness, and disempowerment to name a few. Births of previous children, loved ones’ births, others’ horror stories, births we have viewed in the media, and our own birth together weave the tapestry of our experience. All affect the outcome of our births.

During Sacred Childbirth with Reiki sessions, the practitioner uses Reiki to help you release your bodies’ negative feelings and memories about birth, creating a clean palate for you to design and manifest the birth you desire. You will learn natural breathing rhythms, visualizations, and affirmations to access the ancient natural birthing wisdom in your body. Then, using Reiki, the practitioner guides you through practice birthing sessions creating new, positive, vibrantly peaceful pathways for the birthing energy to flow. This new way of birthing is encoded in the cellular memory of the mother’s body. When the birth actually occurs the energy flows along those pathways creating a peaceful, empowering experience for the baby and the couple.

Couples learn that the baby also manifests experiences it needs to have to do its life work. We don’t know what those are. These little ones also come as our teachers and sometimes our healers. They are using their births to begin that process. It is the parents’ job to prepare, to assist and support the baby, and to use those tools as the birth unfolds. They are then able to rest in the knowing that however the birth happens, it is absolutely perfect and in Diving order.

Empower yourself to manifest an effortless, drug-free birth filled with pleasure and serenity welcoming your child to this world in a sacred way.”


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